Month: June 2016

  • What Is Hydroponics?

    Hydroponics utilizes various methods of growing plants that does not require the use of soil. Instead, plants are grown in a nutritionally-neutral solution to which a nutrient-rich solution is added that provides the plants with everything they need to grow and flourish. Advantages of Hydroponics 1. Plants can be grown using this method in areas…

  • Types Of Hydroponic Systems

    Types Of Hydroponic Systems

    What Type Of Hydroponic System Should I Use? There are many variations of Hydro systems, finding the right one for you depends on your skill level and growing needs. Hydroponic systems are of six main types – Water Culture, Wick, Ebb and Flow, N.F.T. (Nutrient Film Technique), Drip and Aeroponic. These are the basic types…